Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 68 - No more limp

I'm walking without a limp now.  My therapist is amazed at my progress.  But I don't think I did anything special.  I think it's due to the fact that they cut me out of the cast after 2 weeks.  But, I'm no doctor, so don't take my opinion as fact.

The swelling is gone for the most part.  The Achilles itself is still kinda fat; I wonder if it will always be like that.  The scar is healing ok, but my skin is pretty dry, so I have to keep it moisturized often. I'm back to my normal routine at the gym now by including my leg workout into my routine. I'm still doing my stretching exercises as well along with my balance exercises.  I want to try jogging soon to see how my ankle acts.

I still can't lift my heel on the injured leg yet.  But I did have a breakthrough the other day in that I lifted my heel an inch or so off the ground before it fell back down again. 

Still no snowboarding.  That's the hardest part. Winter is passing me by.