Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 36 - No more walking boot

I continue to make improvements each day.  The big thing is that I stopped wearing the walking boot over the weekend.  I have more flexibility than before, so I don't really have pain at all now (more on that in a bit). The scar is looking really good now.  The scabbing is starting to go away and I have more flexibility down there.  I definitely can't lift my body weight yet, but at least I can go down the stairs.

The other thing is that I finally started stretching, which is probably why my recovery accelerated.  I used this site: .  So this combined with the initial strength training I started on my own has me in a good position right now.

Other than that, I caught a stomach virus on Tuesday, so I haven't done any strength training or stretching in the past 4 days.  I've finally started to come around, so I hope to resume work soon.

My next appointment with the doctor is next Tuesday.  I'm hoping that he clears me to start PT.  If he doesn't, I think I'm doing it anyway.

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