Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 13 - The cast comes off

I've been wondering what will happen when the doctor takes the cast off.  I've read stories about people that were told that they'd be in a new cast for a few more weeks.  But that wasn't the case with me.  After the nurse cut the cast off, the doctor remarked about how the wound was healing nicely and ordered me to start wearing the Aircast. The Aircast is a walking boot that has three air cells that you can inflate or deflate using a small tool.  Remember those Reeboks that you pumped up?  Cross that with a ski boot, and you have the Aircast. 

The straps allow the top part to be removed completely, and you place your whole leg inside.  It definitely hurt when the nurse put it on me. I think the wound was still tender, so trying to push my foot down to the heel of the boot was torture.  I got close, and decided to call it a day at that point.  I still had to use my crutches, but the doctor said that I can begin walking on it immediately.

I asked him some questions about the surgery, and he told me that my injury was a complete rupture, but that the tendon should be stronger when fully healed than it was before the injury. I was a little disappointed that he didn't offer up more information, so I'll need to prepare my questions ahead of time and call the office as needed.  I see him again on January 18 next year.  I'm hoping that he'll have me start PT soon after.

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