Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 2 - Time to go home

Today I was feeling much better, so I decided to head home.  I carefully packed my backpack and bags, and checked out of the hotel.  It's important to note that I injured my left leg, so I was technically able to drive.  However, once I started driving, I could tell that I was still under the affects of the anesthesia.  But I managed to get home safely.

Once I got home, the inevitable stared me in the face - how do I get up the stairs?  The entrance to my home is on the first floor, the main living area on the second, and the bedrooms and bathroom on the third.  This is gonna be hard.

I think back to what my doctor told me.  She gave me two good pieces of advice.  First, "Down with the bad, and up with the good."  So when going downstairs, step down with the bad foot first, and when going up, start with the good foot.  The other thing she mentioned is that you can always sit on the stairs and push yourself up that way.  So I did just that.  With my bags and crutches in one hand, I managed to pull myself up the stairs.  Once I got to the couch, I was determined not to move for the rest of the day.

The only thing left to do was shower - how do I do it? I got advice from the nurse to use a trash bag and use duct tape to keep the cast from getting wet.  So after preparing the leg, I carefully hop to the edge of the tub and sit down.  Then I swiveled around, and stood up in the tub and showered for as long as I could while standing on one leg.  I almost fell, but I held it together.

Two weeks later, I'd learn that CVS sells a product that keeps your cast dry while showering.  If only I knew...

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